Sippican Woman’s Club

Everyone needs to be “Savvy Online, In Line and Beyond”! The Sippican Woman’s Club’s February meeting will address those issues on February 14, at 12:30 pm.

            Robin Putnam from the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will make a return visit to SWC. She will be joined by Amy Schram from the Better Business Bureau. The duo will touch upon: spotting and avoiding identity theft, online safety, credit card skimming devices. We will be left with information on how to avoid being targeted victims of scams, how to respond or not, and possible solutions if we are victims of fraud.

            The program is preceded by a finger food luncheon at 12:30 pm at Handy’s Tavern, 152 Front Street Marion. If you would like to attend as a guest or possible new member, call Jeanne Lake at 508-748-0619. Parking is at Island Wharf, across the street.

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