SHS Speaker Series

The SHS Speaker Series returns on February 24 at 7:00pm with a presentation by veterinary scientist and Marion resident Michael Moore (via Zoom.) Michael will be speaking on the topics presented in his newly published book, We Are All Whalers, which is available in the SHS Shop.

            Michael Moore is a veterinary scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He has studied the effects of trauma from the shipping and fishing industries on North Atlantic right whale (NARW) survival and welfare. He is currently assessing NARW health using aerial photogrammetry and working with a group of stakeholders to establish buoy-less fishing systems as a viable tool to remove line from the water column.

            You may request the Zoom link by emailing us at

            There is no charge for the Speaker Series presentations; however, we encourage donations of any amount which will offset the speakers’ fees and help to support the work of the Historical Society. You may make a secure donation on our website via PayPal – www.sippicanhistoricalsociety/speaker-series-oral-histories. We thank you for your support and hope you’ll join us for this fascinating lecture.

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