Rochester Council on Aging

On Thursday, September 7, Stephanie Boulay, registered dietitian for Coastline Elderly, will offer a ½ hour presentation “Cooking for One.” Pre-registration is not required for the presentation, but it is required if you opt to stay for lunch. Call 508-763-8723 for more information.

Day Trip: The Rochester Council on Aging is offering the following trip in September: Sunday, September 10: Oktoberfest Day Trip to Walpole, MA.

Please call the Senior Center at 508-763-8723 for more information regarding this event, including time, any cost involved and reservations.

Health Insurance Assistance: SHINE (Servicing the Health Insurance Needs of Elders) volunteer counselor Gordon Holme is available by appointment to answer your questions regarding healthcare coverage, prescription drug policy, Medicare, Medicaid and other health insurance questions. The service is free and available by appointment. Call 508-763-8723.

From The Veterans Corner:

Veterans Benefits Counseling: Veteran Volunteer Gordon Holme is available for individual appointments to meet with veterans of any age at the Rochester Senior Center. Call 508-763-8723 for an appointment.

Disabled Veterans can apply for a grant for financial assistance to purchase an automobile. You may only receive the grant one time in your lifetime. Additionally, the VA pays to adapt the vehicle including special equipment to assistant eligible persons in and out of the vehicles. To apply for the grant and/or special adaptive equipment, complete VA Form 21-4502, Application for Automobile or Other Conveyance and Adaptive Equipment and submit it to your local VA regional office. The instructions on the VA Form 21-4502 contain a list of adaptive equipment that has been pre-approved for particular disabilities. After Section I is completed and submitted, VA will complete Section II and return the original to you. It is your responsibility to obtain the invoice from the seller, update Section III, and submit the form to your local VA regional office for payment. If you are entitled to adaptive equipment only (i.e. service connected for ankyloses of knees or hips), you need to complete VA Form 10-1394,Application for Adaptive Equipment – Motor Vehicle, and submit it to equipment not specified on the VA Form 21-4502.

Receive your free copy of “Guide to Veterans Laws & Benefits,” a collaboration of the Secretary of State’s Citizens Information Service and the Department of Veterans’ Services, by calling 617-727-7030 or 800-392-6090.

SAVE – Statewide Advocacy for Veterans’ Employment: “You give us a call and we’ll give you the answer!” Contact the Boston Office by calling 617-210-5743, write to Department of Veterans’ Service, 600 Washington Street, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02111 or email

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