Marion Cub Scout Pack 32

All children from kindergarten to grade 5 are invited to join Marion’s Cub Scout Pack 32! We are excited to welcome boys and girls to our truly inclusive family friendly pack! Membership in the Cub Scouts entails camping, hiking, philanthropy, citizenship, service, and just plain fun.

During the school year both the Pack and each Den meet once on Thursday evenings and have numerous other activities available for scouts and their families on weekends as well as vacations. We are always looking for parent/guardian involvement as well!

Annual dues are $96 per scout for the entire year! To learn more about the Scouts, please stop in to see members of the pack at Sippican School’s open house on Monday, August 27thfrom 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm. The scouts will be located near the back entrance of the school.

Visit , our website, our Facebook page Cub Scouts – Marion Pack 32, or email for more information.

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