Census 2020 Speaker at the Mattapoisett Library

The public has two opportunities to hear a presentation about the upcoming federal Census and to ask questions about how to complete the form. Census Partnership Specialist Jose Da Cunha will offer the presentations at the Mattapoisett Library on Thursday, February 20at 11:00 am and Tuesday, February 25 at 6:30 pm.  

            Questions will be addressed such as should you include your college student who lives away? What if you reside in another state for part of the year? What if you have a post office box?  How do you count your student in boarding school or a family member in the military or a tenant in your attached apartment? What if you leave some questions blank? These are just some of the particular questions that will be addressed by Mr. Da Cunha. He will go over the form in detail and explain why it is so important that everyone is counted once. 

            Census 2020 determines the allocation of over $1.5 trillion in federal funds for schools, libraries, roads, social programs, and much more. The data collected is used for calculating representation in Congress and the Electoral College. It is the basis for drawing districts for federal, state, and local offices. Historically undercounted groups include children under 5 years old, those people who move frequently, and residents who speak a language other than English. It is vital to include everyone in the count so funds and services reach the areas that need them.

            Everyone is encouraged to attend one or both of these free programs, co-sponsored with The League of Women Voters — Southcoast.

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