Friends of the Mattapoisett Library Annual Meeting

Join the Friends, support your library, and volunteer with great people. The Friends of the Mattapoisett Library’s annual meeting will be held Sunday, November 24, at 2:00 pm at the library. After a brief business meeting, guest speaker, Dr. Mia Holland will present “The Journey to Health, Happiness, and Well-Being: Thank you Cancer!” Dr. Holland is a recognized commentator in the field of eating disorders and has been an invited speaker for Harvard University Medical School on this topic. She was also selected to present a TEDx talk on eating disorders for the inaugural event at Bridgewater State University and has contributed to nationally published pieces for,,, and iVillage Health. An accomplished Psychology Professor, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, and Realtor, her biggest life triumph has been her fight against cancer. Come listen to Dr. Holland detail her unique and successful journey to wellness after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis. Her story highlights self-advocacy, methods of healing, gratitude, and inimitable strength. You will enjoy the inspiring story told by this Health Warrior.

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