Nasketucket Bird Club Online Meeting

Nasketucket Bird Club will host Birding for Beginners on Thursday, October 22 at 7:00 pm.             From backyard feeding to adventures around the world! Evan Dalton, Lead Instructor of Landbird Conservation at Manomet will help us delve into how to get into birding, and the basic tips and tricks for exploring on your own. For […] Read more »

Why I Resigned

To the Editor;             Why I resigned from Tri-town Against Racism (TTAR)             For the last forty-two years of my life my primary goal has been to lead a life that would lead God to say to me, when I stand before Him, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. I am, and have always […] Read more »

A Grateful Community Welcomes Home Its ‘Fairy Godmother’

            There was sunlight after a storm, rousing band music in the background, cupcakes, and a large warm and welcoming crowd when the Elizabeth Taber statue was officially “unveiled” and given to the Town of Marion. Sitting in casual posture yet with an elegance and grace one can only imagine Taber possessed in life, the […] Read more »

Dear Post Office, I Love You!

            There has never been a time in my life when the US Postal Service did not matter. Some of my earliest memories of growing up in Onset include going to the post office for my mother. Our dependence on the services provided by the USPS was high with nearly daily interaction with the postal […] Read more »

SRPEDD Outlines Housing Production Plan Process

            Eric Arbeene, principal comprehensive planner with the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD), was on conference call with members of the Marion Affordable Housing Trust, who met on Tuesday night at the Music Hall to discuss the process that will culminate with a five-year update of the town’s Housing Production Plan.             […] Read more »

Elizabeth R. Field

Elizabeth R. Field of Mattapoisett passed away peacefully on October 15, 2020 surrounded by her family after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband of 59 years, William D. Field.             Born on February 16, 1942, she was raised in Fairhaven, the daughter of Helen (Hiller) Radcliffe and Elmer M. Radcliffe. She was […] Read more »

From the Files of the Rochester Historical Society

From its inception and through the 18th century, pasturage was a source of wealth in Rochester. Indeed, when the lands that would become Rochester belonged to Plymouth, the profits earned from the uplands and meadows were used for the support of Plymouth’s school. In the early days of Rochester, the town fathers spent much of […] Read more »

Cushing Cemetery

Cushing Cemetery has not had a meeting for a while due to Covid-19, but we now feel safe to hold a meeting in an outdoor setting. We are holding a meeting at Cushing Cemetery on October 25 at 11:00 am; the rain date is November 1 at 11:00 am. We are inviting the public to attend so […] Read more »

Wild Turkeys Find Home in Suburbia

            The wild turkey has made a remarkable revival in numbers from near extinction in Massachusetts when the last one was killed in the year 1840 until today; the state population is approximately 25,000.             Frequent attempts at stocking over the years failed because pen-raised hens did not have wildlife survival skills to teach their […] Read more »

Marion Voter Information

The new secure ballot dropbox has arrived! This dropbox is located at the bottom of the stairs on the Library side of the Town House. It will be checked multiple times a day for ballot applications and ballots.              The absentee/early voting ballots have been received from the state and the Town Clerk’s office completed mailing […] Read more »