The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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No Rain On This Parade 157 viewsThe Marion 4th of July parade on Tuesday went on as planned, winding through the village streets and receiving the usual fanfare. Photos by Jean Perry
Race to the Finish 157 viewsJuly 4th morning in Mattapoisett means its time for the annual Mattapoisett July 4th Road Race, a five-miler that starts and finishes at Shipyard Park. The proceeds fund scholarships to ORR graduates. Photos by Sarah French Storer
Happy Days at Harbor Days 157 viewsIt all seems to come and go so quickly year after year, but while the Harbors Days are here the people of Mattapoisett and surrounding towns make time to enjoy the annual seaside event – the fish fry, lobster feast, pancake breakfast, and arts and crafts – that the Mattapoisett Lions Club works so hard all year round to keep going. Photos by Glenn C. Silva
The Sun Will Come Out … Tomorrow 157 viewsFriday was a washout at the Rochester Country Fair, but the rain didn’t dampen the fun for those who braved the elements. Photos by Jean Perry
Mattapoisett Halloween Parade 2017157 viewsThe Mattapoisett Police has again brought out the best Halloween in the community with another annual Mattapoisett Halloween Parade, including costume contests, over 600 goody bags and glow sticks, and safety tips for a happy and safe Halloween. Photos by Glenn C. Silva
Movers and Shakers157 viewsThe "Movers and Shakers" exhibit at the Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum on Church Street highlights some of the most impactful and influential people that the town has ever seen.
Photos by Caleb Jagoda
Movers and Shakers157 viewsThe "Movers and Shakers" exhibit at the Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum on Church Street highlights some of the most impactful and influential people that the town has ever seen.
Photos by Caleb Jagoda
Mattapoisett Planning Board157 viewsMembers of the Mattapoisett Planning Board, Historical and Conservation Commissions, along with abutters and interested parties, met for a site visit on October 25 with members of SunRaise Solar, LLC, who propose to construct a more than 7-megawatt solar array on property located off Randall Lane. A Planning Board meeting on October 19 opened a site plan review hearing heavily attended by abutters who expressed their concerns regarding the historic stone bridge over River Road and the suitability of Randall
Chief Garcia Retires157 viewsAt 2:06 pm on Friday, December 11, Marion Chief of Police John Garcia signed off to radio dispatch, ending his shift and a law enforcement career that spanned three and a half decades. The Town of Marion recognized his retirement with a drive-thru sendoff outside the Cushman Community Center. School children created a banner for the occasion that included greetings from the Board of Selectmen, Fire Department, town and school district officials, police cruisers from several towns across southeastern Mass
Santa Claus157 viewsSanta Claus and his elves swung by Ned’s Point, courtesy of the Mattapoisett Fire Department on Saturday morning. The Fire Department split up into Red and Green teams to cover neighbors in every corner of town as Santa waved to of families waiting along the roadside. Photos by Mick Colageo
Marion Natural History Museum157 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum's Coastal Exploration summer program had a lot of fun last week exploring a variety of habitats in Marion. We took a close look at barrier beaches, vernal pools, salt marshes, and tide pools. We learned about the terns on Bird Island, the salamanders and tadpoles in vernal pools, and netted fish along the coastline. Photo courtesy Elizabeth Leidhold
Pie & Poinsettia157 viewsIn lieu of the annual senior luncheon, the Town of Marion collaborated with the Marion Fire Fighters Association, the Marion Police Brotherhood and Tabor Academy to hold a Pie & Poinsettia pickup on December 11 at the Cushing Community Center. Photos by Mick Colageo
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