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Tabor presents “Grease”183 viewsDon’t miss Tabor Academy’s 2017 musical “Grease” on Thursday, February 16 through Saturday, February 18 starring Lucy Saltonstall as Sandy Dumbroski and Connor Cook as Danny Zuko. The show starts at 7:30 pm in the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Hoyt Hall and is free to the public. Photos by Felix Perez
Tabor presents “Grease”183 viewsDon’t miss Tabor Academy’s 2017 musical “Grease” on Thursday, February 16 through Saturday, February 18 starring Lucy Saltonstall as Sandy Dumbroski and Connor Cook as Danny Zuko. The show starts at 7:30 pm in the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Hoyt Hall and is free to the public. Photos by Felix Perez
Alice @ Wonderland 183 viewsThis ORRJHS drama production of Alice @ Wonderland is going to be a smash! In a modern twist to the Carroll classic, watch as a 21st century Alice, played by Bess Pierre and Alexandria Strand, preoccupies herself over status updates, cell phone service, WI-FI availability, and even her own existence, as she heads down the rabbit hole and mingles with the slightly sarcastic versions of the classic characters we know and love. There is a performance Friday at 7:00 pm and Saturday at 2:00 pm. Jean Perry
Sippican School Basketball183 viewsThe Sippican School gymnasium was lit up the night of Thursday, March 23, for the annual sixth grade versus staff and parents basketball game. The adult team seemed to have fun giving the students a consistently hard time throughout, but in the end, it was the students who triumphed 37-33. Photos by Colin Veitch
ORR Class of 2017183 viewsOn Saturday, June 3, seniors at Old Rochester Regional High School received their diplomas and tossed their caps to the sky with joy as the rain held off long enough for the commencement ceremony. Photos by Felix Perez
Center School Vocabulary Day183 viewsCenter School held its very own first annual Vocabulary Day Parade on Thursday, June 8. Students dressed up as their chosen word to personify its meaning and strutted around for all to read. Photos by Colin Veitch
ORR Homecoming Pep Rally183 viewsFriday, October 20, was the annual Homecoming pep rally at Old Rochester Regional High School. Principal Mike Devoll said it best: “This has been the best Homecoming week ever, and this will be the best Homecoming ever!” Devoll was right on all accounts – whether it was skits or sports. Photos by Jean Perry
ORR Homecoming Pep Rally183 viewsFriday, October 20, was the annual Homecoming pep rally at Old Rochester Regional High School. Principal Mike Devoll said it best: “This has been the best Homecoming week ever, and this will be the best Homecoming ever!” Devoll was right on all accounts – whether it was skits or sports. Photos by Jean Perry
ORR Homecoming Pep Rally183 viewsFriday, October 20, was the annual Homecoming pep rally at Old Rochester Regional High School. Principal Mike Devoll said it best: “This has been the best Homecoming week ever, and this will be the best Homecoming ever!” Devoll was right on all accounts – whether it was skits or sports. Photos by Jean Perry
OR Celebrates Family Night183 viewsOn February 8, Sippican School family outreach program ANCHOR hosted its first “OR Celebrates Family Night” at the school to feature the diversity and uniqueness of Old Rochester students and their families. Photos by Deina Zartman
Vocabulary Day Parade183 viewsThe third and fourth graders at RMS transformed the school into one collective living, breathing dictionary last Friday, February 16, for the annual Vocabulary Day parade. Students chose a word and personified it in costume for the rest of the school, and this year for parents as well. Photos by Jean Perry
A Stranger in Camelot183 viewsIt’s a new day, a new drama production, and a new director with a new genre at RMS this year as the students prepare to perform this year’s spring drama “A Stranger in Camelot.” Come see the cast of 33 5th and 6th graders perform RMS’s rendition of Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” this Friday, May 4, at 7:00 pm at RMS. Photos by Jean Perry
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