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2010 Groundhog Cover Contest Entry457 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2010 Groundhog Cover Contest
2016 Groundhog Day Cover Contest457 viewsAn entry from our 2016 Groundhog Day Cover contest by Rowen Arnold
2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry456 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry
Marooned in Marion 456 viewsThe March 2 storm left a trail of destruction throughout the Tri-Town. This severed telephone pole surrounded by wires and downed trees remained an obstacle on Delano Road for over 24 hours, according to Marion Police Chief John Garcia. The road was shut down, and for some time there was no access to the east side of town, Garcia told The Wanderer on Saturday. Photo by Jean Perry
Abracadabra455 viewsIt was a magic time at the First Congregational Church in Marion on Saturday, May 1, 2010, when the church hosted a magic show with Marcus the Magician at their community center. Throughout the show, children laughed and helped the magician by yelling out tips and observations. Some children even got to help Marcus the Magician on stage. Photo by Felix Perez.
2010 Halloween Cover Contest455 viewsThe winner of the 2010 Halloween Cover Contest created by Geneva Smith of Rochester
Closing in on Spring 455 viewsWe spotted our first spring flowers last week on the same roadside knoll in Rochester that year after year seems to be one of the first stops for spring in the Tri-Town. Photo by Jean Perry
Leaves of ‘Sass’ 455 viewsApril is, among other things, National Poetry Month, and the ‘poet-tree’ at the Mattapoisett Library keeps growing with new poem leaves springing up every day. We especially liked the message on this leaf: “When life gives you lemons, make orange juice. Be unique.” Right on, young sassy poet… Stop by and post a poem of your own before April is over. Photo by Jean Perry
2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry454 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry
2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry454 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry
2010 Groundhog Cover Contest Entry453 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2010 Groundhog Cover Contest
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat453 viewsOpening night of the ORR Drama Club’s spring musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” is Thursday, March 30 at 7:30 pm. The show also runs Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm and Sunday, April 2, at 2:30 pm. Tickets are $15 for the general public and $12 for students and seniors. Pictured here: Sara Achorn, John Roussell, and Elle Gendreau. Photo by Colin Veitch - March 23, 2017
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