The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Marion Art Center Opening174 viewsThe Marion Art Center opened its latest exhibition of artists Leslie Baker and Tucker Aufranc with a reception on July 17. Baker, based in Martha’s Vineyard, showcased her series “Now and Then,” a series of monotypes and paintings that represent the artist’s interpretation of “observable change and preserving a moment.” Photo by Jean Perry
Super Duper Summer Fair174 views The First Church of Marion held its Annual Super Duper Summer Fair on July 25. The fundraising event is a familiar, welcome event every summer in Marion, and it has something to offer everyone. The fair featured a plant sale, White Elephant, games for the kids, book sale, yard sale, and of course, clam cakes. Photos by Jean Perry
Shaw Farm Trail174 viewsJuly 31 was a big day for the Buzzards Bay Coalition, the Towns of Fairhaven and Mattapoisett, and the entire South Coast when 416 acres of farmland and conservation land were added to the Nasketucket Bay Conservation Project, which was formally completed with the addition of the Shaw Farm Trail that now links the bike path with the Nasketucket Bay State Reservation. Photos by Colin Veitch and Jean Perry
Shaw Farm Trail174 viewsJuly 31 was a big day for the Buzzards Bay Coalition, the Towns of Fairhaven and Mattapoisett, and the entire South Coast when 416 acres of farmland and conservation land were added to the Nasketucket Bay Conservation Project, which was formally completed with the addition of the Shaw Farm Trail that now links the bike path with the Nasketucket Bay State Reservation. Photos by Colin Veitch and Jean Perry
Shaw Farm Trail174 viewsJuly 31 was a big day for the Buzzards Bay Coalition, the Towns of Fairhaven and Mattapoisett, and the entire South Coast when 416 acres of farmland and conservation land were added to the Nasketucket Bay Conservation Project, which was formally completed with the addition of the Shaw Farm Trail that now links the bike path with the Nasketucket Bay State Reservation. Photos by Colin Veitch and Jean Perry
Scavenger Hunt174 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Museum, in partnership with the Mattapoisett Land Trust, presented an afternoon of fun and discovery with a scavenger hunt on August 6, which started and ended at the Munro Preserve. Photos by Marilou Newell
A Bad Year for Tomatoes174 viewsThe Marion Art Center’s hilarious production of “A Bad Year for Tomatoes” opened on August 6, starring Myra Marlowe, Jay Ryan, Suzie Kokkins, Suzy Taylor, Susan Sullivan, Thom O’Shaughnessy, and Gary Taylor. The show continues on August 14-15. Photos by Colin Veitch
Brad Barrows Ride174 viewsThe annual Brad Barrows Ride took place on Saturday, September 19, with around 60 to 70 participants riding on roughly 40 motorcycles. The fundraiser proceeds go to fund local youth sports, a cause that was dear to the late Barrows’ heart. Barrows was the owner of the bad “Brad’s” in Mattapoisett until his death in 2007. Photos by Colin Veitch
Gine Fishing174 viewsRochester Scout Pack 30 had a fishing day at Five Mile Pond at Camp Cachelot in Myles Standish State Forest on September 27. The Cub Scouts were being trained in the art of fishing, tying knots for their hooks, as well as baiting a hook. Joshua Ernstzen, 7, (middle right) was the first Cub Scout to catch a fish. Photos by Denzil Ernstzen
Mattapoisett Women's Club174 viewsOn October 6, the Garden Group of the Mattapoisett Women's Club and their guests toured the Green Animals Topiary Gardens and historic Brayton Home in Portsmouth RI. Following the tour, the ladies enjoyed lunch at The Cove Restaurant in Fall River. Photo courtesy Bev Gleason
Homecoming Week at ORR174 viewsIt was Homecoming Week at Old Rochester Regional High School, and October 23 was the annual ORR pep rally when students from each grade perform a skit to show school spirit. This year, the junior class took first place with its Peter Pan-themed skit. Photos by Jean Perry
Salty’s Silvery Moon Soiree174 viewsOn October 25, families gathered around the fire with Salty the Seahorse to enjoy some storytelling and the general splendor of nighttime in Dunseith Gardens. Salty’s Silvery Moon Soiree is a fall tradition sponsored by the Mattapoisett Land Trust. Guests enjoy s’mores and cider, music, and stories told by Toby Gills. Center School students created special lanterns for the event. Photos by Colin Veitch
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